

Your ongoing support has ignited a global movement of compassion and action. With your generous contributions fueling our mission, CFC volunteers are tirelessly working across continents, making a tangible difference in the lives of countless children. From sheltering orphans in India to nourishing thousands in Africa, from empowering impoverished children in the Azores to establishing vital rehabilitation centers in Brazil, our impact knows no bounds. Explore our Mission Page to witness firsthand the transformative power of your donations and the lives you've touched. Together, let's continue to be the driving force behind change and hope for children worldwide.



Transform a child's life today with your generosity. For as little as $1 a day, you can be the beacon of hope for a child in need, offering essentials like food, shelter, clothing, education, and medical care. With just $30 a month, you'll not only change their present but also ignite a brighter future. Plus, as a special touch, you'll receive a personal photo of the child you're empowering, allowing you to witness the real impact of your kindness. Join us in making a difference, one child at a time.



Empower change with a single act of generosity. By making a one-time donation to Care For Children International Inc., you become a catalyst for hope, directly impacting the lives of vulnerable children worldwide. Your contribution, whatever the amount, fuels our mission to provide essential care and support to those in need. Join us in making a difference today and be a beacon of light for children across the globe.


Empower a Future Seamstress: Donate a Sewing Machine

Help aspiring students overseas thrive by donating a sewing machine today. Your support provides valuable skills and certification, opening doors to employment and independence. Join us in shaping brighter futures—one stitch at a time.

Our Impact: 10 Sewing Schools

With 10 sewing schools and counting, your donation expands our reach and transforms lives.

Make a Difference Today

Your contribution can transform lives and communities. Donate a sewing machine now and be a catalyst for change. Together, we can equip students with the skills they need to thrive and build brighter futures.

Our Purpose: Supply clothing all over the world. Educate individuals by building schools in remote locations. Build and maintain orphanages to care for children in need. Provide food for poor distressed and underprivileged people. Build wells.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

136 Lisbon Street
Fall River, MA 02724 – USA

Int. 001 (508) 603-8777